Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Heart

A few weeks ago, I was dressed like I normally dress!  I'm a stay home mom so usually my wardrobe consist of Yoga pants/jeans and a t shirt. Nothing special!  I've been trying to get in better shape so all week I've been wearing the same yoga pants everyday.  Don't worry, they've been washed!!
My 4 year old daughter sat on my bed watching me as I put clothes away in the closet. Let me give you a visual: same yoga pants, black t shirt, dirty hair that hasn't been washed in probably 2 days and no make. I guess I forgot to get my beauty sleep for the week!  Anyways, I noticed my daughter observing me and I wondered what was going through her mind when she said, “mom, you look pretty today." My heart melted. She didn't see what was plainly visible to see but looked deeper within. I blurted out without thinking, “you are a daughter after my own heart." I was instantly reminded of God telling King David the same thing. David, with all his screw ups was called someone after the Father's heart.  He wasn't perfect but also he himself endured several hardships in life. However I believe that no matter what side of God he saw, he still was unmoved in his worship, his devotion.
We sometimes go through seasons where we question God's goodness, His will, His desires. “Why does this happen, or that?". I don't have those answers. But I too want to be called a daughter after God's own heart.
My daughter, Evangelina, she didn't see frumpy clothes, dirty hair, dark circles under my eyes. She saw my heart!  How much more does the Father rejoice over us when we see His heart!

PS  last night I had Wes take a picture of me for something. Upon viewing the picture, I looked at him and said, “if I had to come home to this everyday, I'd cry!"  I am grateful that no matter what I look like when he comes home, his love for me is constant! 


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