Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Snail for hire

Yes people we have snails. We caught one about 3 weeks ago and they've kept coming ever since. We are now up to 4!  I guess one for each child. My oldest, Corban has been the primary care taker to the newest members of our family!
Who knew snails could be so much work?  Something's I have learned raising snails:
1: they sleep a lot. I constantly find them tuckedtight into their shell (like a bug in a rug)
2: they need water. Not sure if they actually drink water but they dry out. We are constantly adding smidgets of liquid to their container...almost daily. 
Along with fresh grass every couple of days!
3: they poop a lot. That's right folks. They have a septic system and they are not afraid to use it!

I'm trying to figure out a way to make some money off these babies...

The kids play with them all the time.  So far, this is the weirdest "pet" we've had!
Anyone else relate?


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