Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last day of school 2015

(My kindergartener)
(My 1st grader)

Well we just finished our first year of homeschool. Actually, we finished a couple of weeks ago. It's just taken this long to write my post! 
I had so much fun this last year. Not everyday was awesome; as we did have many challenging days, attitudes and issues to get over!  I'm convinced that's just life!  But overall, we had a great first year; zooming by at lightening speed. 
Up until the last day I had preconceived the idea of what the last day of school was going to look like. I pictured a marathon runner about to cross the finish line, arms high in the air, picking up speed, tearing the ribbon with a smile on their face and streamers everywhere. Nope. None of the above!
As soon as the last assignment was complete, we closed the book and that was that!  No flashy lights, just a high five, a congratulations and "you're in first grade now" speech!!!!
Here are their completed worksheets we did this last year. Lina's is purple, Corban's is green. 

One activity we did this year was to make our own book about God's creation. I feel like the kids learn better when they have hands experience. Every week we would discuss a day of creation and put it in our book. Here is the finished assignment!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Early Father's Day

So we kind of started our Father's Day gift making early this year. I love kids projects, even though I reluctantly admit it can stress me out some!  I guess because I'm still somewhat the set up and clean up crew! This year I wanted to make something special and unique. I recently read over this passage in Proverbs and thought I could bring it to life. 

First, I painted the backdrop. I definitely wanted a path in a valley but had a hard time deciding between a sunset or a beautiful cloudy day. Then it dawned on me.

My husband usually spends "the end of the day" with our kids. He's tired, worn out and exhausted from his day of hard work, yet the day isn't quiet over.  He still has 4 kids demanding his attention. Sadly, there usually isn't enough time in the day to always do everything positive and effectual. This is a constant reminder that it's not quantity (time) that matters; it should be quality (how that time is spent)!
I encourage you fathers out there to be intentional with your family time. Don't check out when you come home. Your children will walk in your footsteps one day, or what they perceive to be yours. What legacy are you leaving for them to walk in?  Spend time and effort with your children. They're only small for a short time!
"The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him."
Proverbs 20:7

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Clean Freaks

The older my kids get, I realize they are capable of more responsibilities.  Folding clothes is the perfect first step to helping out. So this is our Monday, aka wash day. With 6 hands instead of 2, we were able to knock the laundry out in no time!  
I try to teach the kids that we are a family. We have to work together. It takes everyone doing their part to make this family function smoothly!

Even my 17 month old love to grab a rag and wipe things down!  I love that they love their sense of accomplishment!

*the best thing you can do for your kids is teach them to do things for themselves!

Saturday, May 9, 2015


I wrote this post on my Facebook MOMents page several months ago. Although it has gotten much better in areas, I still have these days. I'm a mom, these days are going to happen! I'm rewriting this for myself but also for other moms who need encouragement!

 When I woke up this morning I literally felt detached. I had no energy to do anything, much less get myself out of bed. I had four hungry kids to feed and take care of (all under 5), and those four where completely dependent upon me, their mother, to get their day started. Like I said, I could not function for the life of me. It was day three of staying home so it was time to get out. The problem was how can you get out of the house when you have no energy or motivation to do so?  I only fed my little clan cereal for breakfast and I'm pretty sure I forgot to feed myself. Which normally doesn't happen. I usually sit with the kids and eat with them. I did however get a cup of coffee, so not all was loss!
I had my five year complaining, my four year old was getting into something, my two year old needed his pull up changed from thart night and my 7 month old needed a new diaper and nursed all before 8 o'clock AM! Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. Suffocated is of a better term. It was one of those moments where I felt like I couldn't escape. I am a stay at home mom 24/7. I don't get breaks. I have to plan for them. My kids are not in a mother's day out or anything of the sort. I am it. I am with them days, weeks, months and years.  Do not misunderstand me. I love my kids, but there are times that I can't give them what they need without tending to myself first.
I get worn out, burned out, and pooped out. I don't pretend to know all the answers. There are days where there is no perspective, just survival; especially in these younger years.
Here is what I did to help my day:
1) I prayed for peace over my family. I asked God to give me the strength and endurance I needed to run my race of motherhood for just this day.
2) We got out of the house. It's amazing what a 20 minute car ride can do!  Even better, go by Chick-fil-A and get a cup of ice cream for everyone. *score!
3) I am not ashamed to say I put a movie on for my kids and hopped in the shower. A 10 minute shower can do wonders not to mention the kids love getting their “treats" afterwards!
4) I did find a moment to get a perspective that tomorrow is another day. And God's mercies are new every morning and they will be waiting for me. My kids will not be little forever, they will not need me so much and more importantly, I don't want to have any regrets.

Can anyone relate to this?
Here's the link to my MOMents page:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Snail for hire

Yes people we have snails. We caught one about 3 weeks ago and they've kept coming ever since. We are now up to 4!  I guess one for each child. My oldest, Corban has been the primary care taker to the newest members of our family!
Who knew snails could be so much work?  Something's I have learned raising snails:
1: they sleep a lot. I constantly find them tuckedtight into their shell (like a bug in a rug)
2: they need water. Not sure if they actually drink water but they dry out. We are constantly adding smidgets of liquid to their container...almost daily. 
Along with fresh grass every couple of days!
3: they poop a lot. That's right folks. They have a septic system and they are not afraid to use it!

I'm trying to figure out a way to make some money off these babies...

The kids play with them all the time.  So far, this is the weirdest "pet" we've had!
Anyone else relate?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Heart

A few weeks ago, I was dressed like I normally dress!  I'm a stay home mom so usually my wardrobe consist of Yoga pants/jeans and a t shirt. Nothing special!  I've been trying to get in better shape so all week I've been wearing the same yoga pants everyday.  Don't worry, they've been washed!!
My 4 year old daughter sat on my bed watching me as I put clothes away in the closet. Let me give you a visual: same yoga pants, black t shirt, dirty hair that hasn't been washed in probably 2 days and no make. I guess I forgot to get my beauty sleep for the week!  Anyways, I noticed my daughter observing me and I wondered what was going through her mind when she said, “mom, you look pretty today." My heart melted. She didn't see what was plainly visible to see but looked deeper within. I blurted out without thinking, “you are a daughter after my own heart." I was instantly reminded of God telling King David the same thing. David, with all his screw ups was called someone after the Father's heart.  He wasn't perfect but also he himself endured several hardships in life. However I believe that no matter what side of God he saw, he still was unmoved in his worship, his devotion.
We sometimes go through seasons where we question God's goodness, His will, His desires. “Why does this happen, or that?". I don't have those answers. But I too want to be called a daughter after God's own heart.
My daughter, Evangelina, she didn't see frumpy clothes, dirty hair, dark circles under my eyes. She saw my heart!  How much more does the Father rejoice over us when we see His heart!

PS  last night I had Wes take a picture of me for something. Upon viewing the picture, I looked at him and said, “if I had to come home to this everyday, I'd cry!"  I am grateful that no matter what I look like when he comes home, his love for me is constant! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

As perfect as...

So the other day, my 6 years olds assignment was to draw an airplane. Nothing major, just a simple airplane. Honestly, I can't remember the reason behind the assignment.
Let me pause for a moment and say my son has a gift in drawing. He is very creative, very expressive and comes across as a perfectionist!  You would think I asked him to perform brain surgery. He threw away paper after paper claiming they, and I quote, “are not perfect enough"!  Its a simple airplane!  And besides that, who's grading it?  I'm his teacher!  Like so many times, I was going to try to use this as a “teachable moment".  Yes, some of you moms know what I'm talking about. The picture perfect scene of mother and child connecting and accepting the advice given...nope!
“Corban, it's absolutely wonderful!". "No mom. It's really not.  It's not perfect".  I realize there is a standard of perfection that he sets for himself. It can be good, and it can also be bad.
So I guess the Holy Spirit didn't think I was doing a good enough job, and stepped in. Out of the depths of my spirit this statement came out:  “doing your very best is as perfect as you can get"!
I looked him straight in his big brown eyes and asked, “did you try your best?". With a slight smile on his face he said, “yes, I did.". “Then it's perfect!"
Mission accomplished. I hung up the mom cape, gave the boy a high five and sent him to play!

I'll have to post some pictures later of his art work


Welcome to my kitchen. I am a Campbell by marriage an Italian by blood. I am the mother of 4, the wife of 1, the friend to many. Our home is filled with laughter, tears, frustrations, loud noises, worship, peace, craziness and love!
My kitchen light is always on, my kitchen table always full!  While it may not be my dream kitchen right now, it serves its purpose hosting my family at every meal, teaching my children about the love of Jesus and helping them succeed academically in life. I am a home school momma who loves natural living, homeopathic remedies and clean eating. I don't claim to be an expert, but I am definitely a student of a healthier lifestyle. But more than all my accomplishments and adjectives mentioned above, I am a child of the Most High God.
So thanks for stopping by. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea and put your feet up. We are just an ORDINARY family who worships an EXTRAORDINARY God!!

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