Monday, May 18, 2015

Early Father's Day

So we kind of started our Father's Day gift making early this year. I love kids projects, even though I reluctantly admit it can stress me out some!  I guess because I'm still somewhat the set up and clean up crew! This year I wanted to make something special and unique. I recently read over this passage in Proverbs and thought I could bring it to life. 

First, I painted the backdrop. I definitely wanted a path in a valley but had a hard time deciding between a sunset or a beautiful cloudy day. Then it dawned on me.

My husband usually spends "the end of the day" with our kids. He's tired, worn out and exhausted from his day of hard work, yet the day isn't quiet over.  He still has 4 kids demanding his attention. Sadly, there usually isn't enough time in the day to always do everything positive and effectual. This is a constant reminder that it's not quantity (time) that matters; it should be quality (how that time is spent)!
I encourage you fathers out there to be intentional with your family time. Don't check out when you come home. Your children will walk in your footsteps one day, or what they perceive to be yours. What legacy are you leaving for them to walk in?  Spend time and effort with your children. They're only small for a short time!
"The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him."
Proverbs 20:7


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