Monday, May 4, 2015

As perfect as...

So the other day, my 6 years olds assignment was to draw an airplane. Nothing major, just a simple airplane. Honestly, I can't remember the reason behind the assignment.
Let me pause for a moment and say my son has a gift in drawing. He is very creative, very expressive and comes across as a perfectionist!  You would think I asked him to perform brain surgery. He threw away paper after paper claiming they, and I quote, “are not perfect enough"!  Its a simple airplane!  And besides that, who's grading it?  I'm his teacher!  Like so many times, I was going to try to use this as a “teachable moment".  Yes, some of you moms know what I'm talking about. The picture perfect scene of mother and child connecting and accepting the advice given...nope!
“Corban, it's absolutely wonderful!". "No mom. It's really not.  It's not perfect".  I realize there is a standard of perfection that he sets for himself. It can be good, and it can also be bad.
So I guess the Holy Spirit didn't think I was doing a good enough job, and stepped in. Out of the depths of my spirit this statement came out:  “doing your very best is as perfect as you can get"!
I looked him straight in his big brown eyes and asked, “did you try your best?". With a slight smile on his face he said, “yes, I did.". “Then it's perfect!"
Mission accomplished. I hung up the mom cape, gave the boy a high five and sent him to play!

I'll have to post some pictures later of his art work


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