I wrote this post on my Facebook MOMents page several months ago. Although it has gotten much better in areas, I still have these days. I'm a mom, these days are going to happen! I'm rewriting this for myself but also for other moms who need encouragement!
When I woke up this morning I literally felt detached. I had no energy to do anything, much less get myself out of bed. I had four hungry kids to feed and take care of (all under 5), and those four where completely dependent upon me, their mother, to get their day started. Like I said, I could not function for the life of me. It was day three of staying home so it was time to get out. The problem was how can you get out of the house when you have no energy or motivation to do so? I only fed my little clan cereal for breakfast and I'm pretty sure I forgot to feed myself. Which normally doesn't happen. I usually sit with the kids and eat with them. I did however get a cup of coffee, so not all was loss!
I had my five year complaining, my four year old was getting into something, my two year old needed his pull up changed from thart night and my 7 month old needed a new diaper and nursed all before 8 o'clock AM! Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. Suffocated is of a better term. It was one of those moments where I felt like I couldn't escape. I am a stay at home mom 24/7. I don't get breaks. I have to plan for them. My kids are not in a mother's day out or anything of the sort. I am it. I am with them days, weeks, months and years. Do not misunderstand me. I love my kids, but there are times that I can't give them what they need without tending to myself first.
I get worn out, burned out, and pooped out. I don't pretend to know all the answers. There are days where there is no perspective, just survival; especially in these younger years.
Here is what I did to help my day:
1) I prayed for peace over my family. I asked God to give me the strength and endurance I needed to run my race of motherhood for just this day.
2) We got out of the house. It's amazing what a 20 minute car ride can do! Even better, go by Chick-fil-A and get a cup of ice cream for everyone. *score!
3) I am not ashamed to say I put a movie on for my kids and hopped in the shower. A 10 minute shower can do wonders not to mention the kids love getting their “treats" afterwards!
4) I did find a moment to get a perspective that tomorrow is another day. And God's mercies are new every morning and they will be waiting for me. My kids will not be little forever, they will not need me so much and more importantly, I don't want to have any regrets.
Can anyone relate to this?
Here's the link to my
MOMents page: