Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mission Statement

We are about to start our second year homeschooling. Like I've previously wrote, I thoroughly enjoyed teaching my kids last year and look forward to this year with great expectancy.  I realize homeschooling is not for everyone and this post IS NOT meant to make you feel bad about the personal decisions your family has made. However, this post is to share my heart about homeschooling. 
I once heard someone say that if a business owner makes goals and mission statements, why not a mom who chooses to homeschool?  I thought that very practical advice. Even though last year was our first year, I had to pull out my little paper often and remind myself why I was doing this. With that being said, I want to share my homeschool goals. This is why I homeschool. This is my mission statement. After all, my family is my mission field right now. If the purpose of a missionary is to win souls, introduce people to Jesus or teach them more of God's love and who they are, then isn't that exactly what we as moms are doing for our family? I am the biggest influence in my kids lives at the moment.  That can sound burdensome to many, however, sometimes our burdens are our biggest blessings! I'll elaborate more for each goal following the picture.

1) I realize I cannot control my kids. And on top of that, I don't want to create robot children who make decisions out of fear of what may happen to them. I want them to desire to live a righteous life. I believe that begins at an early age!  I want to use these times at home to develop in them a passion for the Word of God. Let's face it, this world is a cruel place. Our children will become exposed to "worldly behavior"; it's just a matter of time.  My job and desire is to help my children become grounded in God's word. With them grounded in TRUTH, their identity becomes more clear for them.  
2) There's a lie floating around that homeschool kids are smarter than other children. I do not agree with it. Children are gifted and talented in many different ways. Some excel more than others in certain areas. What I want to do is have my children operate in what they are interested in.  I don't care about my kid or your kid excelling above all the rest. I care about helping my child excel beyond his own limitations.  I have always loved teaching my kids. When we accomplish things, I'm usually the one that sits back and thinks- I taught them such-n-such! Wow what an accomplishment!  
3) Motherhood is just a season. My kids will not be little forever. No, I don't see my season to homeschool to be the next 18 years. That's why I embrace it now. I know that this is what God called Wes and I to do for our family. Like I said before, you have to do what you feel is right for yours. I'm confident that this is my calling, my season, and when it's over, I want to have no regrets. I love having my kids around. Yes, there are days I've contemplated shipping them off.  Yes there are days I've sent them to their room because I had just about had enough. Everyone has those days!  But for the most part, I enjoy my children. *On a side note, I can't stand it when people say "oh I bet you're ready for them to go back to school?!"  Why?  Because I have 4 rambunctious kids?  Because that's what we are suppose to do?  Have children then send them off when they turn the magical number 5?!

Embrace each season with grace!  You may not homeschool but have you considered writing out your family's mission statement?  What are some things you want to see exhibited in your family?  What behavior? Goals? What do you want your family to be known as?  I will say, there are days where I don't see much fruit in the hard work I try to instill in my kids, but I know it's a process. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bully mom or honest mom?

Recently I was talking to my neighbor about school. She was telling me her 10 year old son has no interest in reading. She said his reading level was extremely low for his age. I asked if they had used any leverage on him. Every child has an Achilles heel and sometimes it can be used for leverage to motivate a child. She went on to tell me they tried everything. Tutors, taking games away, prizes and the list goes on. 
I told her that I was sorry I couldn't help her whether to give some advice or encouragement. However I did tell her to not give up on him and that one day he will get it. 
She said, "oh I know. I'm completely honest with my kids. I tell them the truth. I told him straight up to his face that he was stupid. Kids are mean and I would much rather him hear from me what they will say; which they already do."  Well no wonder your son has NO desire to learn. 
Do you hear yourself lady?  You're not being honest, you're being a bully to your son.  If kids already call him stupid and dumb, why are you?  No, you are no speaking truth. It says in the bible we are to speak the truth in love. How is telling your child he's stupid, loving?  Love should be edifying, exhorting and encouraging.  There's a line between truth telling and being mean. I'm sorry, but if my mom had told me I was stupid, there would be no desire to try anymore. What would be the point?  Sometimes, us as parents, need to draw a line in the sand when it comes to our children. 
I know I have failed miserably at times when trying to encourage my kids at stuff. Wes and I promised each other to always be honest with our kids, even when they ask a bazillion questions!  And they do, so pray for me. Their questions can be mind numbing at times. (You think I'm joking?  I'm not). But I would never put my child down for the sake of "truth telling". This world is a cruel place. Our home should be our sanctuary for our kids. This should be the place they are accepted, loved, encouraged to do better, and celebrated. The people closest to our children are their greatest influence in life. And that influence can be good or bad. 
Im thinking of writing her a letter (in love) to tell her what she is saying can be damaging to her child. What do you think?  What would you do?  Please share!  


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