I want to
share with you something that has been on my mind lately. That is the word MINDSETS. Our mindsets and identity are intertwined.
Last night before I went to bed, I heard the Lord specifically ask me: “How
long did it take Esther to shift her mindset to queen?”
Think about
that. All her life she was an orphan,
Jewish girl living in a foreign country.
Yet was chosen as queen of Persia.
Even though she seemed forced into her new role, there was still a
period of transition I’m sure. Her
identity shifted from rejected to royalty. In Esther 2:9 it says, “Esther pleased and
gained favor with Hegai”, who was in charge of the beauty treatments. Then in 2:10 it says “Esther did not reveal
her ethnic background or her birthplace.”
I think it’s important to note here she may have concealed her identity
because she didn’t want to be labeled as such. Maybe concealing who she thought
herself to be helped her in revealing who she was meant to be.
So we find
her at the beginning of her time in the palace as a quiet person. If she remained quiet about who she was,
chances are she just remained pretty quiet in general. All you private, quiet people would agree to
Then we see
her in chapter 5, verse 1: Esther is dressed in her royal clothing and standing
in the inner court. The place that was forbidden
unless otherwise summoned. She found
favor by the king and we find her not only talking but requesting audience with
the king and his right hand man. Whoa!
What stirred her fire?
I pondered this most of the night and
literally found myself asking the same question: Why do I still carry the mindset of earthly
living when I am co-heirs with Christ?
I am a
citizen of heaven. I am seated in
heavenly places with Christ, yet I am a foreigner here on earth. (Ephesians
2:6). To be real honest, I will look at
my earthly or external circumstances and wonder what to do with it. For example: when money is tight, I start
conjuring ways to “fix” the problem. Not
saying that isn’t practical or smart. But,
what if we start tackling these issues spiritually? Instead of looking at my situations from an
earthly perspective, I look at them from the heavenly places I’m seated
It’s like I
have to shift my thinking mindset from what I think I am to who I really
am. I am a child of God. I am a daughter of a king. I am blessed and highly favored. I am called according to a purpose. I am divinely created. I am more than a conqueror. I am the head and not the tail.
morning at breakfast I have the kids repeat after me and this is what I say:
I am:
Set apart
Then I will
I am the
head and they say- not the tail
I am above-
not beneath
I am a
leader- not a follower.
What does
Proverbs 23:7 say? “as a man thinks in
his heart, so is he.” Or how’s
this? “Faith comes by hearing [what is
told]…” Romans 10:17 AMP
If I can get
myself to hear what I am confessing, I will believe it. Same for my kids. If I can get it rooted and grounded in them
who they are, it will be a lot harder for them to believe otherwise. If I had told one of my kids from day one
that the sky is red, they would believe me.
But why do they believe me when I say it is blue? Because first, they have a relationship with
me. And second, they have faith that
what I am saying is truth. The same can
be true of our heavenly father. Why or
how should we believe what He says about us is true? Because first, we must have a personal
relationship with Him. And second, because we need to have faith that who He
says we are in His word is who we are.
It’s so
important for us as believers to know who we are and whose we are. I love The Message version of Ephesians 6:13 “Be
prepared. You’re up against far more
than you can handle on your own. Take
all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all
over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith and
salvation are MORE than words. Learn how
to apply them. You’ll need them
throughout your life. God’s word is an
indispensable weapon. In the same way,
prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare.”
conclusion, this is where I am at. I’m
on a journey to shift my thinking from who I think I am here on earth, or who
people may think I am, to who I really am.
Who God has called me to be.
Every believer who proclaims Jesus is Lord is now part of God’s royal
I would love
to hear your thoughts or personal story on your journey of identity. Remember, who we are is not what we do. I’m a mom, wife, writer, daughter, friend,
mentor, teacher, chaffer, Young Married’s leader at our church. But that’s not who I am. Do not mistake what you do or the
achievements you’ve accomplished as your identity.
1 Peter 2:10
once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people…
Matthew 5:48
MSG in a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Love out your God created identity. Live generously and graciously towards others,
the way God lives toward you.
One more
scripture. Proverbs 12:3- you can’t find
firm footing in a swamp, but life rooted in God stands firm.