However, we were getting frustrated with them for all their petty interruptions. I believe in a time and place to have fun with God, but I also want to have a respect for His presence during worship and develop that respect in my kids; having complete focus on our Savior.
With the advice of a dear friend of mine I decide to "practice" worship this week at home, during bedtime prayers. So I sat everyone down and told them we were going to play one song. During the song I wanted them to focus on God, how great He is and what Jesus did for us. I gave them some options on worship: they could raise their hands, kneel down, dance but not in a rowdy way or they could lay prostrate. No running around or acting silly. So we gathered around the living room and I played Cornerstone by Hillsong. Great song by the way, check it out on YouTube.
The results were more than I expected.
Not only did they stay within their boundary but they wanted to play another song afterwards! I felt like more than 1 song on the first time would be too much so I declined their offer. However, the very next day at breakfast they begged to worship again. Everyday for the past 4 days they have asked to worship.
I believe it's their little spirit man who is craving this. Our flesh could care less but our spirit yearns for God's presence. It says in the Bible that "God inhabits the praises of His people."
This will be something we will continue with. I will not be the one who quenches their thirst for worship! It's a fire inside all us that needs to be fed.
I encourage you today, put a worship song on, turn it up and let yourself be free in the Lord! You won't regret it!